Ideas and Discoveries
1 december 2022To find out the elemental composition of meteorites, to look into the “guts” of industrial products non-invasively, or to examine biological samples – like human bones from archaeological finds. All t
22 november 2022How to take control of light and use it to improve the electron beam in electron microscopes? This task set for herself the young scientist Andrea Konečná, who was the only one from BUT to receive the
8 november 2022Always smiling and positive, Azin Shahsavar works in the Molecular Nanostructures on Surfaces research group led by Jan Čechal, Ph.D. She was able to fulfil her professional dream thanks to CEITEC BUT
Ideas and Discoveries
21 october 2022He's in physics, she's in chemistry. Each has a different focus, yet their scientific activities have intersected. And it met with success. CEITEC (Central European Institute of Technology) BUT (Brno
9 september 2022He turned off the news from Europe for a month and went to help as a volunteer of Brontosaurus in the Himalayas in a small village in Mulbekh, India. He came back refreshed, and with the feeling that
15 july 2022In the case of bone injuries and fractures, at best, a cast is needed, and for more complicated fractures, surgery is required. Various natural or synthetic materials are used for bone tissue replacem
28 june 2022Xia Peng comes from the most populous country in the world. She grew up in a big city in the east of China, in Yancheng. During her master's study, she tried without much hope to write an e-mail to th
Ideas and Discoveries
7 april 2022It lives in complete darkness and can survive without food for months. It is completely blind and navigates the darkness using its vibration-sensitive auditory system. However, scientists still know r
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