All documents with the label Brno Ph.D. talent
17 october 2023For him, every day is an opportunity to learn something new. The desire to learn is stronger than traveling and visiting historical sites. He says it is enough to see them in a picture. What interests
12 september 2023Her friends often ask her if they can show her their skin moles. She replies, amused, that she is not a skin doctor, and adds, in a warning tone, that they would not want their skin samples to ever en
10 july 2023Tomáš Dacík from FIT (Faculty of Information Technology) BUT (Brno University of Technology) focuses on static analysis of programs in his doctoral thesis. It verifies the properties of computer progr
21 june 2023Finding an electric motor fault is not always easy. However, new mathematical algorithms with parametric estimation can be used for its effective diagnosis. Lukáš Zezula, a doctoral student from the F