
22 september 2023"Basically, we have the same dilemma as Oppenheimer. Every idea, every tool can be misused. Nowadays, we no longer ask if we can improve humans. We can, and easily. But we must ask whether we should,
12 september 2023Her friends often ask her if they can show her their skin moles. She replies, amused, that she is not a skin doctor, and adds, in a warning tone, that they would not want their skin samples to ever en
27 july 2023In 2000, two classmates from the Faculty of Architecture at the BUT (Brno University of Technology) started publishing their own comics magazine Aargh! Tomáš Prokůpek and Tomáš Kučerovský did not even
25 july 2023In the beginning was a carpet from IKEA. It was the one that so intrigued Josef Maixner that he began to study its model. A freshly ignited passion led him to the Persian carpet dealers on Hamburg's s
10 july 2023Tomáš Dacík from FIT (Faculty of Information Technology) BUT (Brno University of Technology) focuses on static analysis of programs in his doctoral thesis. It verifies the properties of computer progr
21 june 2023Finding an electric motor fault is not always easy. However, new mathematical algorithms with parametric estimation can be used for its effective diagnosis. Lukáš Zezula, a doctoral student from the F