26 may 2023With her own brand of cosmetics Wikarska Monika Wikarská from the Faculty of Chemistry at BUT took second place in the competition Let's do business. Although the doctoral student has been making crea
25 may 2023The first generation of the ARGO underwater drone is presented at the IDET (International Defence and Security Technologies Fair) by students of the BUT (Brno University of Technology). The strojLAB t
16 may 2023Researchers from the FCH (Faculty of Chemistry) BUT (Brno University of Technology) in cooperation with experts from Bogges have come up with a mobile solution for the protection of critical infrastru
20 march 2023Jozef Krajčovič from the Institute of Chemistry and Environmental Protection Technology of the Faculty of Chemistry BUT has specialized in organic chemistry and organic synthesis since his student yea
21 february 2023She did not plan a scientific career during her studies, but several fundamental life challenges led her to the day when she was proposed by the BUT scientific council for the appointment of a profess
11 february 2023Saying that science and technology are only for men is just a prejudice. At the Brno University of Technology in, you will find a total of 621 women who are indispensable for science and technology. O
31 january 2023The cement industry generates up to 8 % of global CO2 production. Experts from the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at BUT are therefore testing a way to reduce the emiss
15 december 2022Bone healing after tumours, for example, could in future be made possible by tissue carriers made of biopolymers created by 3D printing. Researchers from the Institute of Materials Chemistry at the BU